The Flower of Life in Different Cultures and Religions Judaism/Kabbalah The Flower of Life is also found in several religions and some believe that the Tree of Life, which is associated with the teachings o f Kabbalah, may have been derived from the symbol. New Age groups use and study the symbol to try to attain enlightenment and find deeper meaning in life. Nowadays, the Flower of Life symbol is commonly found on jewelry pieces, tattoos, decor items, and other dec orative products. Leonardo da Vin ci was known to have studied the Flower of Life pattern and derived the five platonic solids, as well as the Golden Ratio of Phi, from the symbol. Some believe that the symbol could have been used to represent the Eye of Ra. These depi ctions of the symbol are fascinating because they were not carved into the rock, but rather burned or drawn onto the granite with red ochre with great precision. The oldest known depictions of the Flower of Life were found in the Temple of Osiris in Egypt and date back to at least 6 000 years ago, and recent research has concluded that they could not have been made earlier than 535 BC. However, it was only dubbed as the 'Flower of Life' quite recent ly in the 1990s. It has been found to hold significance in multiple cultures all around the world as the Flower of Life symbol is seen in ancient manuscripts temples, synagogues, and art. The Flower of Life is a fascinating and ancient symbol. Source: ( x) The History of the Flower of Life Metatron's Cube is also considered a holy symbol which can be used as protection from evil. These five structures are the star tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodec ahedron, and icosahedron, which are found in life forms, minerals, music, sound, and language. Metatron's Cube illustrates the five platonic solids, which are the believed to be structures that act as a foundation for all organic life. This shape is said to be a basic design of the universe and holds the geome tric foundation for Metatron's Cube. The Fruit of Life consists of thirteen circles selected from the classic Flower of Life symbol. The shape made is said to be similar to that of a multi-cellular embryo in its early stages. The Egg of Life is also formed from seven circles, which only just overlap each other. To some, this symbolizes the 7 days of creation during which God created life. The Seed of Life is f ormed with seven overlapping circles that create a more singular flower design. The Flower of Life provides enlightenment to those who study the symbol and its perfect form.Ĭertain variations of the Flower of Life hold different meaning and significance. It holds a deep spiritual meaning that many people of varying religions and culture s have derived more specific beliefs and sentiments from. Image Attribution: TomRuen Flower of Life Symbolismįlower of Life symbolism has become more and more prominent within New Age groups and movements. It is believed to be a sort of blueprint for all life, with the fundamenta l patterns for everything from atoms to planets and everything in between. There is believed to be a secret symbol hidden within the Flower of Life symbol, which is said to hold the most significant and sacred patterns of the universe. It depicts how all life comes from one singular source - represented by the circle in the middle of the pattern. The meaning behind the Flower of Life symbol is that it is believed to represent the cycle of creation. They believe the Flower of Life symbol to be a visual represe ntation of the interconnectedness of life and all beings. S acred geometry refers to the geometric patterns and laws that create everything in the universe.

P agans consider it to be a form a sacred geometry that depicts the basic forms of time and space. Architects, artists, and philosophers have known the perfect form, harmony, and proportion.